Skylanders - How Many NFC Cards Do I Really Need?
A pragmatic guide to writing Skylanders on NFC cards
1. Spyro’s Adventure
1) Figures - 32 cards
2) Magic Items - 8 cards / 13 cards if you don’t re-use
- For “Adventure Packs” and “Volcanic Vault” you can re-use 1 card for all 5 of them to unlock the levels.
3) In-Game Variants - 0 cards / 4 cards with Sidekicks
- Potentially, you can replace some of the figures mentioned above with some of the 4 Legendary variants.
- As for Sidekicks, only if you hvae extra cards.
4) Chase Variants - 0 cards
Spyro’s Adventure TOTAL CARDS :
- Re-Use Cards: 40
- Don’t Re-Use Cards and Sidekicks: 49
2. Giants
1) Giants - 8 cards
2) New (Series 1) - 8 cards
3) Returning (Series 2) - 0 cards
- Potentially, you can replace some of the Spyro figures to get the ‘Wow Pow’ ability. They are all backward compatible.
5) LightCores - 0 cards
- Real LightCore figures are cool since they light up; NFC cards don’t. But you can always replace some of the previous Skylanders with those LightCore dumps, since they are slightly stronger.
6) Magic Items - 4 cards
7) In-Game Variants - 0 cards / 4 cards with Sidekicks
- Potentially, replace some of the previous dumps with Legendary variants.
- As for Sidekicks, only if you hvae extra cards.
8) Chase Variants - 0 cards
- No Sidekicks: 20
- With Sidekicks: 24
3. Swap Force
1) Swappers - 16 X 2 = 32 cards
2) New (Series 1) - 16 cards
3) Returning (Series 2 and Series 3) - 0 cards
- You can always use those and replace previous figures to get the ‘Wow Pow’ ability. They are all backward compatible.
4) LightCores - 0 cards
- They are a bit stronger than normal Skylanders, so you can replace them, but I wouldn’t bother.
5) Magic Items - 6 cards / 9 cards if you don’t re-use
- For “Adventure Packs” and “Promotional Items” you can re-use 1 card for “Sheep Wreck Island”, “Tower of Time” and “UFO Hat”.
6) In-Game Variants - 0 cards
- Potentially, you can replace some previous dumps with Legendary variants from here.
7) Unreleased - 1 cards
- Nothing that special about this “Gear Head VVind Up”, but why not?
8) Chase Variants - 0 cards
Swap Force TOTAL CARDS :
- Re-Use Cards: 55
- Don’t Re-Use Cards: 58
4. Trap Team
1) Trap Masters - 18 cards
2) New (Series 1) - 18 cards
3) Returning (Series 2, 3, and 4) - 0 cards
- Same as before, replace previous dumps if you want to get the ‘Wow Pow’ ability.
4) Minis - 0 cards / 16 cards if you want minis
- Now, those can actually help you in-game. If you have some extra cards, try them out, but I personally don’t care about them.
5) Magic Items - 4 cards / 8 cards if you don’t re-use
- You can use either “Hand of Fate” or “Legendary Hand of Fate” - only the color is different.
- For “Adventure/Expansion Packs” you can re-use 1 card for all 4 of them
7) In-Game Variants - 0 cards
- Again, you can replace some previous figures with Legendaries from here.
8) Eon’s Elite - 8 cards
- Now, those I like. You can replace previous figures with them, but I personally would write them separately just to have them.
9) Chase Variants - 0 cards
10) Traps - 46 cards / 52 cards with Trappable Villain Variants
- There are 46 trappable villains in total. You can either write them already trapped or trap them yourself.
- The 6 Trappable Villain Variants you cannot get in game, as they were part of a special promotion. You don’t need them, but if you have extra cards…
- Re-Use Cards and no Minis: 94
- Don’t Re-Use Cards, Minis and Trappable Villain Variants: 120
5. SuperChargers
1) SuperChargers - 20 cards
- If you don’t have a Nintendo console, you can’t play as “Bowser” or “Donkey Kong”.
2) In-Game Variant SuperChargers - 0 cards
- Potentially, replace some of the normal SuperChargers with the 3 legendary variants.
3) Vehicles - 20 cards
- The same goes for the “Clown Cruiser” and “Barrel Blaster”, they works only on Nintendo consoles.
4) In-Game Variant Vehicles - 0 cards
- Potentially replace regular “Sun Runner” with “Legendary Sun Runner”.
5) Magic Items - 4 cards
- You will need all the trophies.
6) Eon’s Elite - 6 cards
- Again, you don’t really need them since you already have the normal version, but they are cool.
7) Chase Variants - 0 cards
SuperChargers TOTAL CARDS : 50
6. Imaginators
1) Senseis - 20 cards
2) In-Game Variant Senseis - 0 cards
- You can replace some of the previous Senseis with the “Legendaries” or “In-Game Variants” from here, since each different variant will also increase the max level for Imaginators.
3) Villain Senseis - 11 cards
4) In-Game Variant Villain Senseis - 0 cards
- You can replace some of the previous Villain Senseis with the “In-Game Variant Villain Senseis” from here, since each different variant will also increase the max level for Imaginators.
6) Creation Crystals - 10 cards
- It really depends on whether you want to mess around with creation crystals or not, but one of each type should be enough.
7) Magic Items - 5 cards / 7 cards if you don’t re-use
- You can re-use one card for the ‘Adventure Packs’ and you can also re-use cards for different chest figures, since each figure can only be used once per save.
8) Unreleased - 1 card
- Nothing that speicla about “Goldie”, but why not.
9) Chase Variants - 0 cards
- If you have extra UID Re-Writable cards, you can use them for the “Chase Variants” as they will also increase max level for Imaginators.
- You can even use 1 UID Re-Writable card to just scan all 6 variants from here for the level increase.
Imaginators TOTAL CARDS :
- Re-Use Cards: 47
- Don’t Re-Use Cards: 49