TheSkyLib Online

Generates a Skylanders figure dump using a specific UID from an empty card dump.

  1. You need to export your empty NFC tag to a .dump file.
    • If you are on Android, watch this video.
    • If you are on Windows with ACR122U, open "Mifare Windows Tool v1.6"
    • Place an empty tag on the ACR122U reader.
    • Inside Mifare Windows Tool v1.6, click on "READ TAG"
    • Select "std.keys" and click on "Start Decode & Read tag".
    • Wait a moment. If you receive any warnings, unplug and plug the USB cable of the reader back in, then try again.
    • When done, you should see a popup window, with repeating green FFFFFFFFFFFF keys and a lot of white 0.
    • At the bottom of this window, click on "Save Dump as".
    • Give it a name that you would recognize (mine will be Empty_Tag_1). Don't manually type file extensions. MWT will add .dump extension for you.
    • Now this newly created "Empty_Tag_1.dump" file is your empty card dump. You will need it for "TheSkyLib-Online" software.

  2. You will also need some Skylanders dump files.

  3. Choose the exported empty tag dump on the first "Choose blank dump..." button.

  4. Choose a desired Skylander dump on the second "Choose toy dump..." button.

  5. A "Download" button will appear from which you can download the modified Skylander dump for this specific card.

  6. Write this modified dump with Mifare Windows Tool or Android MIFARE Classic Tool on the same empty tag which you've used in Step 1.
    • Don't write it to other cards, as it won't work.
    • You need to follow this process for each different UID-locked card.
    • You will still write 63 out of 64 blocks with MWT. That's alright.